Monomania, a term from the psychiatric nosology of the early 19th Century, was once (2003) the template for naming the Hamburger Rock-Band MONO INC. and means as much as delusional individual, in contrast to the complete madness.
10 years later, in 2013, MONO INC. open another chapter of their creativity! Mean? Joachim Witt and MONO INC. mastermind Martin Engler became close friends since Witt’s latest album and since then they celebrate the “Club Of Living Poets” every week. Joachim benefits from the fact that Martin is an excellent cook – Witt can do nothing on the stove, but he delights in fine dining.
During the meetings of the “Club Of Living Poets” abstruse ideas emerged. One of them was to make a common number (not surprising at first sight), but as the question arose of who should sing which language, they did not come to each other at first. But then as Witt texted an English verse and Martin did a german chorus the convolutions of the two were really active. The love to music has connected the two poles!
The result is a song in which Martin, inspired by Joachim, kept the German chorus, whereupon Joachim contributed a purely German verse. The result is titled “Kein Weg Zu Weit” and “shall encourage people” , the MONO INC.-singer and Witt unison.
Worn by this inspiration other songs in German language arose almost like in flight, what the band is very pleased with. “Standstill would be a creative dead for us, which is why we have taken this step and why we are eager to showcase the new facet to the fans.”
The Hamburg Rock-Band succeeds with NIMMERMEHR the true feat of re-inventing themselves, to stay true to their sound and yet bring a new MONO INC. dimension to the market – Lyric, poetry, great melodies and immediately in the ear.
After their sensational top 3 chart entry with NIMMERMEHR all new friends of MONO INC. can now get a record with 5 additional tracks featuring goth rock artists friends from Germany.
Artist friends who have been on tour with MONO INC. or will be like SALTATIO MORTIS, LORD OF THE LOST, UNZUCHT, THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA and A LIFE DIVIDED have each refined one of their favorite monomaniac songs. Have a listen!