Food & Drinks

The entire catering for the Tanzbrunnen is run by the in-house catering service – the company Kölncongress Gastronomie GmbH – not by us the promoter. The Kölncongress Gastronomie GmbH does not allow to bring own food and drinks of any kind to the venue. Of course our festival guests (with day tickets, too) are allowed to leave the venue inbetween to eat or drink their own food outside. Therefor all visitors will recieva a wristband at the entrance. Kölncongress Gastronomie GmbH uses a deposit system for cups and bottles!

Aboard the MS RheinMagie the gastronomical offer is being provided by Köln-Düsseldorfer Rheinschifffahrt AG. It is not allowed to bring your own food or drinks here either.

The gastronomy of both venues is not linked. Therefore we ask you to consume food and drinks at the place where you bought them.

Basically has been agreed: Please do not throw bottles/cups on the walkway betwen the venues. The other guests will be thankful for it.